Voices of Friendship
A downloadable game for Windows

Disturbing Imagery
Mild Language
Suggestive Content
“My name is Akana Amizade (AAH-ka-na AAH-me-za-day).”
“It is funny when you think you are doing everything right, but in reality, you are hurting someone in the process.”
“That someone for me…was my best friend.”
“While I was getting my life together, hers was falling apart.”
“I forgot about my dearest friend, and for that, I had to suffer severe consequences.”
Voices of Friendship is about girl that has no recollection about her best friend, Iblis Nukoa, until she gets a phone call from her friend, Liling. Even though Akana doesn’t know anything about Iblis, Liling insists she gets ahold of her, because of rumors she has been hearing. When Akana musters up the strength to call the number Liling gave her, she gets ahold of Iblis’s maid, Bonne, who invites her over for dinner and to catch up. After Akana agrees to come see Iblis, weird events start to happen to her.
When Akana finally makes it to the house, she notices something is quite off. As she ventures further into the Nukoa household, she starts to uncover more of what happened and what severed the friendship she and Iblishad. But she doesn’t find out things so easily, as unknown forces try their best to manipulate her and kill her. Akana must get through the house of horrors to try to uncover the truth about the friendship that was lost.
Mystery/Thriller/Gore Theme
Full Screen Capability ([F5] to activate / [F6] to change window size)
Custom Menu & Death Log
Multiple Endings
Engaging Puzzles
# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
2018.11.16 (v 1.1.0)
- Fixed framerate issue
- Updated some cinematic events
- Fixed the pop-up about missing "Neon Signs"
- Fixed bugs in the nightmare maze
- Updated icon for broom (so it doesn't look like a plunger)
- Updated Kanji's movement, so he can't block door way
- Updated grammatical errors
2018.11.19 (v 1.1.1)
- Fixed light flickering
- Fixed some events in Night
- Spelling error found in Nightmare
- Changed a few events in Nightmare (Lord, this game is a nightmare, who are we kidding)
2018.11.26 (v 1.1.2)
- Fixed the "VL Gothic" font issue
- Fixed the "RPGVXAce RTP" issue
2018.11.28 (v 1.1.3)
- Fixed Diary Page Menu
- Fixed Gekte Book Menu (CH 1-5)
- Fixed Menu in the Nukoa House
- Fixed Menu from being activated when "Soul Gauge" reaches 0
- Fixed passage issue in the "Trivial Pursuit" Maze
- Fixed some tileset issues
- Updated a faceset issue in Nightmare Maze
- Updated a passage issue in the Opposites Maze
2018.12.15 (v 1.1.4)
- Fixed Passage issue in the "Trivial Pursuit" Maze
- Fixed some tileset issues
- Updated a faceset issue in Nightmare Maze
- Updated a passage issue in the Opposites Maze
- Took out a testing event in the nursery
- Placed missing menu files
- Title screen shows version number
- Fixed script conflict in Carnavar Hall
- Fixed event in Nursery playground
- Fixed Gyr instruction light
- Fixed Pimp the Imp instruction light malfunction
2018.12.18 (v 1.2.4)
- Added the save point in "Trivial Pursuit"
- Moved the waterfall in "Breaking Point" due to passability issues
- Moved door in the backyard, so you don't have to go under the roof anymore
- Fixed Gekte Menu (CH 6-11)
- Fixed known spelling errors found throughout game
- Took off roof in nightmare prom stage due to passability caution
- Added "Hold down [SHIFT] to speed through text" to VoF controls in the start of the game
- Fixed text issue in Gekte Well
- Fixed Credit lighting
- Changed font on VoF Controls
- Updated backyard crate event
2019.02.22 (v 2.2.4)
- Fixed Yami Pop Message Crash
- Well Lighting Issue
- Added Image for "No Save File"
- Merged Nightmare Maps
- Added fall mechanic to Nightmare Gate
- Changed mice mechanic in Nightmare
- Tweaked Nightmare Reaper's Instructions
- Updated Soul Gauge
- Tweaked Maze of Forgotten - Maze 1
- Changed Maze of Forgotten - Maze 2
- Tweaked Maze of Forgotten - Maze 3
- Updated Car Ride Scene
- Tweaked Maze of Opposites
- Sped Up Unfortunate End Credits
- Added a clue to "Trivial Pursuit"
2019.10.14 (v 2.2.4)
- Updated Lighting File
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1. Download the patch from the game site
2. If the patch folder doesn't exist in your game folder, copy it in
-If you already have a patch folder, copy and replace the existing patch folder
3. Once the patch folder has been copied, the game will be updated
4. After the game is updated, all the fixes will be applied and you can continue your playthrough of VoF
Development log
- VoF Nightmare Maze GuideOct 17, 2019
- Why VoF!? WHY!!!???Oct 14, 2019
- Voices of Friendship Update & PatchesFeb 22, 2019
- HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!!Feb 15, 2019
- Voices of Friendship v 1.1.4 & Patch UPDATE!Jan 11, 2019
- Voices of Friendship Game Guide is COMPLETE!Jan 11, 2019